Egyptian Shoulder
Qualification Committee (Shoulder knowledge certification)
The Qualification Committee includes five (5) members, or more if needed, nominated by the Executive Committee. At least one of its members must be a member of the Executive Committee. They are appointed for 2 years and they may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Executive Committee shall designate the Chairman of the committee. The appointment of the Chairman is for a two (2) year term of office and he may serve up to two (2) successive terms.
The Qualification Committee will work in collaboration with the International Societies of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in order to set up a qualification process of shoulder and elbow surgeons.
The Qualification Committee shall present an annual report at the General Assembly.
In order to ensure consistent, high quality standards of education of young shoulder and elbow surgeons, and therefore to ensure high performance standards of shoulder and elbow surgery in Egypt, EGSSA has to establish the
EGSSA Certificate
To apply for the Certificate each candidate surgeon will need to fulfil the requirements of the EGSSA Shoulder and Elbow Curriculum. The Curriculum has a structure composed of two “columns”.
1-The First Column of the Curriculum is based on educational points granted for participation in International Congresses and Coursesorganized by EGSSA or under EGSSA patronage.
The candidate must attend 100 hours of the Shoulder lectures (10 Basic, 40 Trauma, 50 Elective) and 20 hours of the Elbow lectures (10 Basic, 20 Trauma, 20 Elective) at these congresses/courses.
Each Organizing Committee of a Congress or Course who wishes to apply for EGSSA patronage is obliged to submit the scientific program to the EGSSA Qualification Committee. After the accreditation process and approval of the Chair of the Committee, a certificate granting EGSSA patronage would be sent to the Organizer to be distributed to the participants.
2- The Second Column of the Curriculum is based on completing visiting fellowships at recognized EGSSA teachingcenters. EGSSA teaching centers will be accredited based on a desire to be included as a teaching center and on an application to EGSSA Qualification Committee which fulfils 50 points on an 80-pointscale of criteria agreed with the Executive Committee, and published on the EGSSA website.
We are committed to ensuring the highest standard of shoulder care in Egypt and we firmly believe that this certification process will help deliver this.
We intend to publish guide lines of diagnosis and treatment of burning issues in shoulder and elbow surgery based on those long term studies