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Ordinary Members are elected into the Society by its Ordinary Members at its General Assembly each year upon the proposal of the Membership Committee after review of criteria.
All members have full access to the EGSSA website.
All practitioners able to make a scientific contribution to the association’s purpose are eligible for membership.
Applicants for Ordinary membership will be proposed by the Membership Committee for election at the General Assembly meeting.
Membership is lost by :
•    resignation
•    death
•    expulsion by the Board of Directors for non-payment of dues when the annual subscription has not been paid for 2 consecutive years or due cause, after the member has been afforded a hearing before the Executive Committee by registered mail. If the member wishes to re-join the society and the board of Directors feel this should be allowed, the Executive Committee will decide upon the financial conditions of his re-integration.
Special requirements to become an Ordinary Member
To become an Ordinary Member you need to gain a certain degree of success in the field. For example: Publications in the field of shoulder surgery and research and teaching activity. At least two publications.

Associate members can be accepted as a member in the society without the special requirements for the ordinary members.

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